Guides and Articles

Create Guide


Create a user guide in DocsHound to generate documentation for your product's features and functionalities. This allows you to provide comprehensive help resources for your users.

Sign In

On the DocsHound landing page, click Sign In. Enter your credentials.

Guide Setup

Enter Product Information

Enter the product URL in the Product URL textbox.

DocsHound will automatically retrieve the product name and generate a description.

Verify the product name. If needed, edit the name in the Product name textbox.

Review the generated product description.

Edit the description in the Product description textbox if necessary.

List Product Functionalities

DocsHound will automatically generate a list of product functionalities. Edit the functionalities of your product in the Product functionalities textbox as needed, separating each one with a comma.

Specify Documentation Platform

Indicate whether your product uses a documentation platform such as Mintlify, Gitbook, or Readme.

Select Yes to import existing documents, or No to continue without importing.

Upload App Interface Information

Upload a user interface image to help DocsHound get to know your product's features and functionalities.

Select Yes to upload an image of your application's homepage or dashboard with the main menu visible, or No to skip this step. It is highly recommended to upload an image of your user interface.

DocsHound will extract application sections from your uploaded homepage or dashboard image.

Verify the extracted sections, adding or removing any sections as needed using the textbox. These will become the sections in the user guide's table of contents. You can always change them later.

DocsHound will also populate features within these sections. These will become the articles in the user guide, each assigned to a section. Add or remove features as needed. You can always change them later.

Finalize Guide

Choose Guide Title and Brand Color

Select a title for your guide from the Portal title dropdown.

Choose a brand color to match your product's branding. This color will be used as an accent for the published guide to match the look and feel of the product website.

Generate Guide

Click Next to generate your guide. The new guide will appear with a table of contents in the sidebar for navigation.

You can now begin populating the user guide using DocsHound to automatically generate articles.