
Guide Settings


Configure your DocsHound guide settings to manage product details, members, and integrations.

Configure Your Guide

To access guide settings, click the cog icon in the top right corner of the DocsHound interface.

This opens the Guide Settings modal.

Product Details

In the Settings tab, you can edit the product name, title, icon, and time zone.

Update the product name in the Product Name textbox. Select a title from the Title dropdown menu.

To upload a product icon, click on the current icon or the upload button in the Product Icon section.

Choose an image file from your device. Select your desired time zone from the Timezone dropdown.

After making changes, click Update settings to save.


To access billing plan options, click the Billing tab in the Guide Settings modal.

In this tab, you can view details about your current billing plan, including contact options for managing or upgrading your plan.

Manage Members

To manage members with access to the guide, click the Members tab.

To invite new members, enter their email address in the Email Input textbox and click Invite.

To remove a member, click the Options Menu button next to their name and select Remove from team.

Manage Data

To modify, back up, or delete user guide data, contact through the Data tab.


Click the Integrations tab to connect the guide to another product.

Click the Connect button next to the integration you want to connect, such as Intercom. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the integration setup.