Inviting collaborators allows others to help create and edit your DocsHound guides. To invite team members to a guide, add them using their email address.
Inviting Collaborators
From the DocsHound dashboard, navigate to the Team Members
Click Invite
in the Team Members
A modal will appear.
Enter the email address of the person you wish to invite.
Click Invite
The recipient will then have access to the guide.
Frequently Asked Questions
From the DocsHound dashboard, go to the
Team Members
section and clickInvite
. In the pop-up modal, enter the person's email address and clickInvite
again. This sends an invitation to collaborate on your guide.If you contacted DocsHound support for assistance, they may ask you to invite support@docshound.com to your guide. This allows them to troubleshoot and resolve any issues you're experiencing.
They will receive an email invite to your guide. Ask them to check their spam folder if they don't see it. If they already have a DocsHound account, they will see a pending invite screen when they log in.