
Invite Team


Inviting collaborators allows others to help create and edit your DocsHound guides. To invite team members to a guide, add them using their email address.

Inviting Collaborators

From the DocsHound dashboard, navigate to the Team Members section.

Click Invite in the Team Members section.

A modal will appear.

Enter the email address of the person you wish to invite.

Click Invite.

The recipient will then have access to the guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • From the DocsHound dashboard, go to the Team Members section and click Invite. In the pop-up modal, enter the person's email address and click Invite again. This sends an invitation to collaborate on your guide.

  • If you contacted DocsHound support for assistance, they may ask you to invite to your guide. This allows them to troubleshoot and resolve any issues you're experiencing.

  • They will receive an email invite to your guide. Ask them to check their spam folder if they don't see it. If they already have a DocsHound account, they will see a pending invite screen when they log in.