
Export Article to Intercom


Learn how to export articles to Intercom, including choosing the right options for collection, authorship, and publication status.

Exporting Your Article to Intercom

  1. Click the export button next to the article title in the article editor.

  2. Open the export dialog by clicking on the Intercom logo.

  3. Select the collection where you want your article to go.

  4. Choose an author from the list of Intercom's admins.

  5. Set whether you want to publish the article immediately or export it as a draft.

  6. Confirm your export settings to finish.

Article Update Process

After integrating DocsHound with Intercom, updating an exported article is straightforward. This prevents the creation of duplicate articles. Every time you choose to update an article already exported to Intercom, DocsHound ensures that the article is refreshed with the latest changes rather than creating a new one.

An added advantage of this integration is the support for images and embedded videos within your articles. This means that any visual content you include in your DocsHound articles will be seamlessly exported and displayed correctly in Intercom.

Update Your Articles with Ease

When you update an article, it supports multimedia. This means you can include images and videos to enhance your content.

Export to Intercom

When you enable Intercom integration in DocsHound, it helps you manage how your articles show up in Intercom. If you need to change an article's publish status or move it between different collections, DocsHound makes this easy.

After connecting to Intercom, if you want to move an article to a different collection or change its status from published to draft (or vice versa), simply click on the Intercom logo next to the article title in the DocsHound editor. This will open a dialog box.

In this dialog, you can select a new collection for your article or choose a new publish status. If you decide to update an article that’s already in Intercom, re-exporting it will update the existing one instead of creating a duplicate. This keeps your content organized and up to date.

Changing an article from published to draft will remove it from public view in Intercom, and moving it to a different collection can help you better organize your content. These changes can be made as often as needed to keep your support documentation tidy and relevant.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To change export options, click the Intercom logo next to the article title in the editor. This opens the Export to Intercom dialog where you can adjust your export settings.

  • Yes, DocsHound supports including images and embedded videos in articles exported to Intercom.

  • To unpublish an exported article, export it again and choose to export as a draft. This action will unpublish the article.

  • Yes, when exporting the article again, you can select a different collection to move the article to a new location.