Embed iframe
Embed an iframe in DocsHound's editor by selecting the Embed URL
menu item, inputting a URL, and saving the content.
Select Embed URL
To insert an iframe into your document using DocsHound's editor, first, hover over the section of the editor where you want the iframe to appear.
Next, click the +
{'label': plus button
, 'type': Button
} to open the content insertion menu.
From the dropdown menu, select Embed URL
{'label': Embed URL
, 'type': Menu Item
}. This will open the embedding interface.
In the text input field labeled URL
{'label': URL
, 'type': Textbox
}, enter the URL you wish to embed. Then, click the Save
{'label': Save
, 'type': Button
} button to add the iframe to your document.
Enter URL
To embed an iframe, follow these steps:
Click on the dropdown menu to view the available content insertion options.
Select the
Embed URL
option from the dropdown menu.Enter the desired URL into the
text input field.Click the
button to embed the content.
Enter the desired URL in the label of the element
URL, Textbox
. You do not need to include the src
attribute or any other HTML tags—just the URL.
URL Only
To embed content, simply enter the URL without needing any iframe tags. This makes the process quick and easy!