AI Generation

Generate content blocks with AI


Learn how to add various content blocks including sections, callouts, FAQs, step-by-steps, and tables with minimal user input using DocsHound's AI.

AI Content Blocks

DocsHound's Insert with HoundAI feature lets you create custom content blocks by providing key inputs. The AI then turns these into a polished content block - ready for your review.

To add a content block with AI, click on the DocsHound logo on any line to open up the Insert with HoundAI menu. Once the menu is open, select which content block you'd like to create and provide your key inputs.

Need Additional Content Blocks?

If you're looking for or have an idea on additional content block types, let the DocsHound team know and we're happy to put it on our roadmap. Reach out at


To create a section with HoundAI, first click the HoundAI button, then choose 'Section with HoundAI'. Next, enter the main points of your section and select 'Generate Section'. After the section is generated, review it and make any edits you need.


To use this feature, first click the HoundAI button and choose Callout with HoundAI. Then, enter the key points you want your callout to cover and click Generate Section. After the callout is generated, review it and make any changes needed. You can update the callout's format to either informative or warning by hovering over the generated callout and making your selection.


To use the table feature, first click the HoundAI button and then select Table with HoundAI. You can tell the AI what you'd like the table to show by describing your needs or just pasting in an existing table. Click Generate Table when you're ready.

Once your table is ready, take a moment to review it. You can adjust what the table is meant to convey directly by hovering over the table. This lets you refine its purpose to ensure it matches your documentation goals, whether it's to summarize data, compare information, or outline a sequence of steps.


To generate FAQs using DocsHound, first click the HoundAI button and select FAQ with HoundAI. Enter your questions and answers, then click Generate Section. You can add more FAQs by selecting New Question/Answer. After your FAQs are generated, review and edit them as needed to ensure accuracy.


To create a step-by-step guide with DocsHound's HoundAI, start by selecting 'Step-by-step with HoundAI' after clicking the HoundAI button. Next, enter the main steps of the user workflow and click 'Generate Section'. Once the guide is generated, review it carefully and adjust as needed. Adding screenshots can also make your guide more engaging.

Create Visual Hierarchy

Enhance the clarity and visual appeal of your step-by-steps by adding screenshots or other rich media. This helps users understand the process better and makes the documentation more engaging.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely, you have the ability to edit content blocks generated by HoundAI to ensure they meet your specific requirements and maintain accuracy.

  • Yes, you can reuse content blocks generated with HoundAI by copying and pasting the content into other parts of your docs as needed.

  • Yes, HoundAI allows you to create callouts with an informative or warning format which can be selected by hovering over the generated callout and selecting the right option.

  • Yes, you can add screenshots or other media by hovering between steps and selecting the icon at the center of the horizontal line. Drag and drop your media into the window or embed a URL.

  • You can all standard image and video formats. Optimal image size: 1920px × 1080px for best visual experience.

  • Yes, you can input data outlines from external sources into HoundAI to generate tables within DocsHound.