
Edit Images


Edit images directly within the DocsHound editor. Crop, highlight, and change the background of images to create clear and effective documentation.

Open Image Editor

To access the image editor, click the three dots to the right of the image to open the Context Menu.

Then click Edit Image.

Highlight Image Sections

Click Highlight to highlight sections of the image. After clicking highlight, you can simply click and drag to draw a rectangle.

You can also move, resize, and delete the highlighted selection. In addition, you can add multiple highlights.

Crop Images

Click Crop Image to crop the image.

Then adjust the cropping area using the drag handles.

Change Background Colors

Click Change Background to apply a gradient. You have both light mode and dark mode options. This will choose a set of gradients based on your brand colors. Note that you can always modify the brand colors you selected during onboarding within the publish menu.

Change Your Brand Colors

You can adjust the brand colors you initially selected during onboarding anytime from the publish menu.

You can also remove the background entirely by clicking No Background.

Save and Close

Click Save to save your changes. Then click Close. The modified image will appear with a drop shadow.

Insert (Drag and Drop)

To add an image, simply drag and drop the image file into the editor.

Once the image is dropped, it will undergo a short loading period while metadata is generated.

Duplicate Images

Duplicating images in DocsHound is straightforward and can be done using various methods within the editor. Choose the approach that best fits your workflow.

Duplicate via Context Menu

  1. Click on the image you want to duplicate.

  2. Click on the Three Dots icon to open the context menu.

  3. In the context menu, select Duplicate.

Duplicate via Drag and Drop

  1. Click and hold on the image.

  2. Drag the image over the desired location until the area highlights in blue.

  3. Release the mouse button to place the duplicate.

Duplicate using Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac)

  1. Click on the image to select it.

  2. Press Command + C to copy the image.

  3. Click where you want to place the duplicate.

  4. Press Command + V to paste the duplicate.